Sunday, February 2, 2020

New Year, New Plans

So as ya'll have likely figured out by now, I am not a brilliant blogger. I'd rather be working on something new than writing about something I've done.

Having been suitably chastened by (one of) my Laurels about so much stuff I do falling through the cracks, I am not going to make another New Year's resolution to be a better blogger.  I am trying a new format.

My big project stuff, classes, etc. will stay here on my blog.   I have gone through and updated all of my current classes to my latest handout versions and am planning to update my older classes in the next week or two.

 I also started a Facebook page: Alisandre de la Chapelle where my plan is to post micro-updates (an in-progress photo, a cool link, something fascinating I've just learned) at least a couple of times a week.

Since I am always finding rabbit holes, it's likely to be a varied collection of things, but that's also kind of an average day in my headspace.  I would love for you to come along for the ride!

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